References & stories from the field
Designing a climate finance and information management MRV system for Laos
Design of a climate finance Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system for Lao PDR, building on the existing Lao PDR’s Management Information System (MIS) of Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects that has been established by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)
Market Readiness Assessments of innovative financing instruments for advancing Uganda’s adaptation and mitigation measures
A project for the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) of Uganda commissioned by the German International Cooperation (GIZ).
The Abidjan Legacy Programme
Climatekos wrote the complete descriptive document of the “Abidjan Legacy Program” which aims to boost long-term environmental sustainability across major value chains
Feasibility Study East Alexandria
Development of a GCF concept note for a climate action project in Senegal
Mapping of opportunities & potentials for the private sector within the Great Green Wall
Climatekos did a complete mapping of the potentials for the private sector to get involved and active within the climate change area within the Great Green Wall 11 countries
Developing the WE4F's climate narrative for communication purpose
Climatekos is assessing the portfolio of the “Water and Energy for Food (WE4F)”, a initiative that promotes the development and dissemination of climate-friendly, energy efficient and water-efficient technologies and solutions.
Pilot Project Aiming to Sustainably Improve Water Management for small market gardeners in the catchment area of Pout in Senegal
Development of a GCF concept note for a climate action project in Senegal
Funding Aspect for Abu Rawash Sludge treatment Facility
Development of GCF concept note and a full proposal for a sludge treatment project in Egypt
Mapping study of climate action capacity building needs of SMEs in Southeast Asia
A study that aims to identify and assess knowledge gaps and capacity building needs to enable the private sector in the Southeast Asia region to take climate action, with a focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation for SMEs.
Background paper on the provision of financial support to developing country parties
A background paper on the provision of financial support to developing country parties in order to develop training materials for technical experts participating in the review of biennial transparency reports (BTRs)
Mapping study for private sector engagement in capacity-building activities for climate action in the MENA countries
A study that aims to identify and assess knowledge gaps and capacity building needs to enable the private sector in the MENA region to take climate action, with a focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation for SMEs.
Design of an Umbrella Programme Framework for the Great Green Wall
Climatekos is supporting the development of the joint UP on the Great Green Wall for the UNCCD and GCF to lay the ground work for the Great Green Wall “expansion phase”.
Scaling Climate Action Through Climate Technology and Innovation by SMEs
As part of a consortium led by EcoCapital (Nigeria), this assignment is aimed at developing tools to assess and to mainstream climate risk into Small- and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs) operations.
NAMA Support
Project India -Plausibility Check : “Waste Solutions for a Circular
Economy in India”
Provision of external support to assess the plausibility of the proposed project concept and plan for implementation including the evaluation of the project’s market conformity and its concessionality.
State of the Great Green Wall
The GGW is an African-led movement under the leadership of the African Union, which brings together African countries and international partners, such as the UNCCD, the FAO, the World Bank, the GEF and the IUCN striving for the restoration of the productivity of degraded landscapes in the countries surrounding the Sahara.
Costing of Energy-Related NDC Targets in Lebanon
A climate finance needs assessment for the Lebanese government to identify the support needed by Lebanon to reach its NDC-energy targets.
UNIDO Mauritius - Funding Aspect for the Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Study for the Mauritius Port
Drafting the concept note for the Green Climate Fund application for the CTCN–UNIDO project “Funding Aspect for the Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Study for the Port of Mauritius Port”.
NAMA Support
Project Guatemala - Efficient Use of Fuel and Alternative Fuels in Indigenous and Rural Communities of Guatemala
Provision of external support to assess the plausibility of the proposed project concept and plan for implementation including the evaluation of the project’s market conformity and its concessionality.
2nd Climate Finance Study for the Union of the Mediterranean
Analysis of the climate finance flows to the SEMed region in 2017.
Facilitating Application and Development Procedures for Blue Economy Projects
Development of a Blue Economy finance handbook and a Blue Economy project development handbook.
NAMA Support Project Uganda – Revolving Loan Fund for Uptake of Improved Institutional Cook Stoves
A plausibility check of the financial cooperation component and proposed financing mechanisms of the ‘NAMA Support Project Uganda – Revolving Loan Fund for Uptake of Improved Institutional Cook Stoves’.
Support for the Austrian EU Council Presidency in the run up to and during COP24
Support to the Austrian government in its current function as the EU Presidency to implement its climate policy strategy and objectives in the course of preparing and during the UNFCCC COP24 in Katowice, Poland.
National Approach and Architecture for Climate Finance in El Salvador
Developing an inter-institutional climate finance architecture and strategy to facilitate and prioritise access to climate financing.
Bankable Climate Change Projects in Mediterranean Cities
Analysis and selection of bankable projects in Mediterranean cities to seek funding by international donors.
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Climate Finance Study for the Union of the Mediterranean
Analysis of the climate finance flows to the SEMed region in 2016.
Climate Mainstreaming in the EU Budget: Preparing for the next MFF
Review of the 2014-2020 MFF for climate mainstreaming and recommendations for improving approach and processes.
Supporting the Development of Funding Applications in the MENA region
Assisting government officials in developing and assessing bankable funding concepts and proposals.
Developing a National Climate Finance Strategy
Developing a strategy to finance climate-relevant projects/programmes in priority sectors in Uganda as well as implementation plans for two priority projects/programmes.
Providing Technical Advisory Support towards the Implementation of Rwanda’s Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy
Assistance to the Government of Rwanda with progressing from the development Green Growth and Climate Resilient Strategy to its implementation.
Enhancing Direct Access to Adaptation Funding in Kenya
Enhancing Kenya’s direct access to international climate finance for adaptation, specifically the Green Climate Fund.
Facilitation and Implementation of the Climate Finance Business Dialogue
Preparation and implementation of the Climate Finance Business Dialogue on the occasion of the Business & Climate Summit 2016 for CGEM on behalf of the Moroccan COP22 Presidency, preparing the private sector contributions on finance.
ENPI Southern Countries Climate Finance Handbook
Development of a handbook in order to facilitate access to climate finance mechanisms for nine South Mediterranean countries.
Climate Change Adaptation Investments in the Ports Sector of Morocco
Identifying the adaptive capacity of stakeholders in the ports sector and scoping the potential physical investment for climate change adaptation.
Promotion of the Deployment of Environmentally-friendly Technologies and Integrated Climate Strategies in Rural Communities in Uganda
Developing strategies to integrate adaptation and mitigation activities as part of a larger follow-on climate action programme through demonstration, training and capacity development measures.
Mobilisation of Climate Finance for Cities
Investigation of the role local financial institutions are currently playing and could play in the future in financing the urban climate agenda.
Shifting Private Finance towards Climate-Friendly Investments
Assessment of the amount of public finance needed to shift investments towards climate friendly investments for two periods, “up to 2020” and “2020-2030”.
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Development of a National Climate Change Capacity Development Program
Enhancing the capacities of Palestinian governmental institutions to mainstream and address the challenges of climate change in the areas of adaptation, mitigation and reporting.
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Scaling up Climate Finance in 2014 and beyond
Analytical study helping the EU to reach consensus on climate finance issues central to the international negotiations focusing on financing meaningful mitigation actions and EU reporting on climate finance.
Business Strategy to establish a Climate Change Adaptation Private Sector Engagement Platform
Providing entrepreneurs and micro-small-medium enterprises (MSMEs), including the informal economy of developing countries with the necessary information and tools to facilitate, initiate or to increase their involvement in adaptation measures.
Review of the Fairtrade Carbon Credits Standard
Review of the Fairtrade Carbon Credits Standard draft along with other related documents on economic benefits and trade requirements and Gold Standard documents preparing a final stakeholder consultation round.
Climate Development Projects: Lessons learned 2007-13, Recommendations for 2014-20
Contributing to the effectiveness of climate finance in EU development cooperation and the use of ODA for achieving the target of 20 percent of development cooperation being climate-relevant.
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Options for Cities in the New Market-Based Mechanisms – Lowering Cities’ Carbon Emissions Planning, incentivizing, financing and managing GHG mitigation measures at city level, using new market mechanisms.
Strengthening Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in Kenya Plus (StARCK+)
Supporting the StARCK+ programme, which assisted with the implementation of the Kenyan National Climate Change Action Plan.
CDM Market Support Study
Identification of policy and financial opportunities and solutions for the implementation of CDM projects and the continued use of the CDM framework in situations with low CER prices.
Assessing Barriers and Solutions in Bridging Climate Change Finance with Adaptation Projects and Research in Africa
Evidence-based assessment of the experience of African promoters in accessing adaptation finance and development of a strategy that helps to overcome barriers to accessing finance.
Integrating Climate Finance into Sustainable Land Management Investment Strategies
Capacity building and elaboration of adaptation project proposals for submission to financial institutions.
Climate Change Mitigation and Access to Carbon Markets: Assessment of Opportunities and Risks in the West and Central Africa Region
Overview of carbon market and climate policy developments and the mitigation potential in the West and Central Africa (WCA) regions.
Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Investments
Developing strategies for the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Morocco.
REDD+ Investment Study
Assisting a REDD+ Finance Support Facility with preparing its support to REDD+ project developers.
Climate Finance Workshop Series (Africa, Latin America, Asia)
Education of senior government officials on linkages between agricultural, forestry, rural development and climate change issues with a focus on the various sources of finance available to mitigation and adaptation projects within these sectors.
CDM Registration of one of the largest Solar Power Plants Worldwide
Registration of phase 1 of the Ouarzazate Concentrated Solar Power Project in Morocco with the CDM what will become one of the largest solar power plants in the world.