Partner / Managing Director

Robert has worked in the field of environmental finance and low-carbon and climate-resilient development since 1999 with prior experience in research organisations and in fieldwork since 1996.
He moved from research assistance in the fields of medium-sized business research and EU development and trade policy to climate change research and analytical climate policy and GHG market intelligence work through short-term assignments with an international organisation and a private sector consulting firm.
Robert worked for more than 9 years at climate change service provider EcoSecurities, a subsidiary of the financial services company J.P.Morgan after being an Alternative Investment Market-listed company from 2005 onwards, most recently heading its consulting business. This includes his role as a Principal Advisor-Climate Investments to a UN organisation for over 4 years.
He draws upon previous assignments with the UNFCCC Secretariat, the GIZ, the Center for Development Research and the Institute for Medium-Sized Businesses Research, amongst other.