Green East Africa Programme
Climatekos via its non-profit arm, is part of a group of local and international non-governmental organisations and firms that jointly implement the Green East Africa climate action development programme. The vision of the Green East Africa Programme is a climate smart future - implementing an integrated grassroots climate smart & nature-based development programme in rural communities at scale!
The Green East Africa Programme:
is already implemented in Western, Central and Eastern Uganda and is currently expanding into Kenya in this next phase, covering about 20 districts - developing and implementing long-term climate resilient, adaptive and low emission strategies and actions with rural communities and their farmers, family businesses and cooperatives;
continuously integrates improved and new clean technologies and agricultural practices as part of climate-smart agriculture and village concepts and approaches - replicating and scaling up with a view to support and implement national climate action and development strategies and programmes at the local level; and
combines locally rooted development organizations and village development approaches and methodologies with best-practice climate action strategies and measures and traditional development finance with new climate finance to unleash adaptation and mitigation potentials - upscaling through a programmatic approach.
The programme’s activities consist of the demonstration, replication and scaling up of climate smart technologies and practices, including natural resources management and protection, green technologies, waste management and low impact housing. The available expertise of the programme partners covers village development planning and implementation support, climate action project development & finance expertise, mapping and microfinance, amongst others.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is currently the main donor of the programme next to further co-finance from private sector players and foundations.
Climatekos’ role in the programme encompasses technical programme development and implementation support, environmental finance expertise & international technical backstopping and QA/QC.
As part of the preceding project to the Green East Africa Programme Climatekos elaborated a tailored guidebook on developing climate-smart villages and agricuture action that can be accessed here (advanced online version).
More information can be found at www.green-east-africa.net
Deforestation-free supply chains: showing opportunities & mobilizing potentials!
An initiative on deforestation-free supply chains in the context of corporate sustainability measures, looking at the use of financial incentives, in particular in the context of climate protection and climate change adaptation actions through market mechanisms and instruments, as well as the use of environmental and social standards. As part of this initial phase a study is conducted that consists of research, in vivo supply chain case studies with a few selected German companies and their suppliers in the Global South and sharing insights with relevant forums, initiatives, experts and the general public.
More specially, we look at how the environmental impact of supply chains can be minimized, more specifically the CO2-footprint, with a focus on avoiding deforestation. This is about the use and combination of standards, labels, GHG accounting instruments, tracking and transparency and CO2-pricing and trading instruments and mechanisms.
During this initial phase we aim to achieve the following outcomes with the study:
Recommendations to improve the integration of deforestation-free supply chains in selected standards and voluntary initiatives and processes, in particular with regard to the use and implementation of standards, processes and procedures for climate protection measures and corresponding compensation payments and financing options.
Showing how green or climate finance options can be accessed and used.
Recommendations to improve the regulatory frameworks in the North and the South and to support the development of incentive mechanisms. This includes supporting the legislative proposals at EU level as well as with regard to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the corresponding regulatory frameworks and incentive systems in selected production countries.
More information about the work conducted as part of this project can be found in an overview report here (advanced online version in German only), whereas a series of blogs in our blog section will summarize the main outcomes in English as well.
This initial project on ‘Deforestation-free supply chains: showing opportunities & mobilizing potentials!’ is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). More information can be found at www.lieferketten-klimahandeln.info.